Zero Tolerance Podcast

The Zero Tolerance Podcast Is Out!!!

No, this isn't a podcast being released by, but it is a podcast that you need to listen to. The Zero Tolerance Podcast is a new gaming podcast with your boys @Franchise_254, @Nate_Bowser and @T3AM_DISTURB3D. These three have been TPSS Community members for a very long time and I'm very excited for their new show. They love and hate video games and want you to hear about it.

The first episode had a lot of The Division talk, which I 100% endorse and some Battlefield nostalgia. Mixed in were some tidbits about games they're looking forward to or have been playing lately. I have high hopes for this podcast and you should to. It's a bunch of gamers that are going to give you an unfiltered take on the gaming industry. They're just like you and me, just gamers trying to get by.

You can download their podcast at which will soon have reviews, videos and other gaming related posts.

Subscribe to their podcast using the link below!

Zero Tolerance Podcast Feed


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