
Showing posts from 2018

2018: TPSNFL Playoff Update

This week we talk about the TPSNFL Playoffs and the match-up between ediddy999 and MMArich. We also make sure to mention how terrible Ohio is as a state, how Michigan basketball is beating everyone and how the Detroit Pistons are going to be in the NBA Finals. All that an much much more. Thanks for downloading and listening, enjoy! Download Podcast If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here

2018: TPSNFL Week 13 Update

This week we talk about the Urban Meyer pulling a Mclane and quitting on the state of Ohio. We also got into baseball talk, NBA shenanigans, and football. Thanks to the 90! Thanks for downloading and listening, enjoy! Download Podcast If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here

2018: TPSNFL Week 11/12 Update

This week we talk about how Michigan let the world down. We also talk about how Ohio State ruined everything. After all that we talked about the Wolverines and what they can do to fix our hearts. Once we got done with our crying we talked about Chess and two weeks of fantasy football. There was a small discussion on how numbers work. That and so much more. Thanks for downloading and listening, enjoy! Download Podcast If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here

2018: TPSNFL Week 10 Update

This week we had the full crew to talk about the sports ball.We also went into our top 5 movies, Serial talk and Homecoming on Amazon Prime. Thanks for downloading and listening, enjoy! Download Podcast If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here

2018: TPSNFL Week 09 Update

This week we get into sports. Don't forget Michigan is still the best. Thanks for downloading and listening, enjoy! Download Podcast   If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here

2018: TPSNFL Week 08 Update

This week we talked about video games, football, basketball and hockey. We also got into some fantasy football stuff. Thanks for downloading and listening, enjoy! Download Podcast   If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here

2018: TPSNFL Week 07 Update

Like a dumpster fire in the middle of the ocean the revenge tour is officially under way. This week talk about fighting in the NBA, all the Pistons players trying to lose except Blake Griffin and the Lions should trade for Eli-face. Thanks for downloading and listening, enjoy! Download Podcast If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here

2018: TPSNFL Week 06 Update

This week we talk about all the drama in the TPSNBA, Bourne and his LAN Party, the 2019 TPSNBA champions and our favorite East and West teams. We also got into baseball, basketball and football stuff. Did you know Occidental is a D3 school and the SCIAC has super teams that cheating Occidental out of multiple sports championships. Thanks for downloading and listening, enjoy! Download Podcast If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here

2018: TPSNFL Week 05 Update

This week we talk about our all-time choke jobs and how much we love/hate the Browns. We also talked about our love/hate with the Lions and our love/love with the Wolverines. Thanks for downloading and listening, enjoy! Download Podcast If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here

2018: TPSNFL Week 03/04 Update

This week we are back for our week 3 and week 4 roundup. We get into some baseball and football and even a little hockey. Well not so much the hockey, but we did get into some golf and junk. Thanks for downloading and listening, enjoy! Download Podcast If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here

2018: TPSNFL Week 02 Update

Did you hear Tomaterr? Probably not, too many alpha dawgs. Did you see Tomaterr? Probably not because he's translucent. Thanks for downloading and listening, enjoy! Download Podcast If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here

2018: TPSNFL Week 01 Update

This week we are joined by Bourne, Franchise and Tomaterr to talk about how much we love the Browns and Michigan. We finally start talking about fantasy football too. Thanks for downloading and listening, enjoy! Download Podcast If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here

2018: TPSNFL Week 0 Update

The TPSNFL is back. We have been gone for a while but football is back and that means more ediddy999, Jon_Mclane, tomaterr, Franchise_254, Bourne34 and all your other favorite owners. This week we introduce a ton of new segments, talk about how Michigan was beaten by the refs and do a little recap of the spice added to the league as well as a recap on the draft. Thanks for downloading and listening, enjoy! Download Podcast If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here

2017 Season: TPSNFL Update Playoffs Week 03

This week we celebrate a championship. The Ruff Ryderz did it. They lifted up the skirt of In Caldwell We Trust and exposed him for all to see. After all the congratulations we get into some congratulations because frankly the Ruff Ryderz deserve it. Thanks for a great season everyone and we all look forward to the Ruff Ryderz defending their championship next season. Thanks for downloading and listening, enjoy! If you cannot see the audio controls, listen/download the audio file here