2012 Showies: TPSSer of the Year

A lot has happened this year. ThePlayStationShow.com went down, allegedly hosted phishing content and essentially fragmented the entire community into tiny pockets of what it once was. Through all of that, the fans still showed up. I mean, there are at least 3 people at TPSS live shows, and even less for BZTP. TpSUK still has a good following but they're British. Everything Burrito was created, I'm sorry, and the Boom keeps on keeping on (didn't really have anything to say; so cliche it is). Although our community has split and splintered, we are still a community. We are still like minded people that play games and enjoy (mostly) each other's company.

This is the time to celebrate those that take it to another level. Those that keep us together, either through twitter, chat, comments, contests, gaming or podcasting. This is the time to nominate the TPSSer of the Year. What community member should be recognized for everything they do? For caring a little too much, for  being in chat a little too often, for participating to the point where we question what their lives have come to.

Leave a comment here or use the hashtag #2012ShowiesTPSSer on twitter.

I would like to nominate Jon_Mclane. If it has something to do with TPSS he's there. Live shows, check. Gaming nights, check. Contests to win money because no one else enters, check. His efforts in the TPSNFL alone are enough to give him a Showie. Those power rankings were a trolls dream, one that he made a reality. Just watch the videos below and you will be convinced that the brown panterdown2 deserves a Showie Award.


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