This could be the saddest day in PlayStation history. Today, on the official PlayStation twitter, MAG, SOCOM Confrontation and SOCOM 4 were officially sentenced to death. Three of the greatest multi-player games the PS3 has ever seen are being thrown out with the garbage. Not only did Sony kill off Zipper Interactive, but now they are trying to kill of their legacy. We shall not let this stand.

Use the hashtag #SAVEMAG and let your voice be heard. Tell PlayStation that we will not let them take MAG down. Show your loyalty by going a buying MAG and playing it. But don't just play it, play it hard. Play it harder than you have ever played it before. Make PlayStation add servers because of how hard it's being played.

It's up to you to do the right thing. #SAVEMAG isn't just saving a game, it's saving a way of life.


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